Saturday, June 11, 2011

Clear Run to Oxford

 Left 214 early for Oxford to give ourselves a  chance of finding a reasonable mooring.  Run down was uneventful; only rained once, just as we were approaching Thrupp services.  As most boaters will know there are many lift bridges from here down to Isis Lock, some heavier than others, and to make things even more interesting BW has now placed locking devices on some which holds them in the closed position.  A BW key is required and connot be removed until the bridge is re-closed.  A real pain.
 Arrived in Oxford early PM and found an excellent mooring just after Osney Bridge (the lowest bridge span on the Thames) and only 10 mins from the town centre.

 Spent Friday in Oxford,  moving down to Abingdon on Saturday.  Moored next to Abingdon Bridge (see pic, Bacchus is closest to the arch).  The met office have forecast rain all day tomorrow, at least 7 hours, so we have decided to “ride out the storm,” as they say, complete with a book and a bottle of wine, and depart Monday.

Plan for Monday is to visit the village of  Clifton Hampden and then moor close to Day’s Lock.  Our intention is to spend Tuesday walking and visiting Dorchester.

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